Books are an immortal source of information and emotions. In the age of the Internet, television and electronic gadgets, a paper book is still a source of inspiration and interest to children, young people and adults.
But readers rarely think about the journey a single publication can make from the author’s idea to the bookshelf in the home of the book lover.
A special place in this process is the moving of books. You need to consider everything from the type of packaging to the specifics of transportation. So here today, in this article from our friends from the moving company, we are going to know more about proper books transportation.
Types and peculiarities of book packaging
As with any other commodity, books need packaging to preserve their appearance, protect them from moisture and dust, and organize convenient transportation.
Let’s consider each type of packaging in detail:
- plastic bags: can be large and small, depending on the size of the books, the simplest type of packaging, which reliably protects against moisture;
- cardboard, corrugated and microcorrugated boxes: suitable for large quantities of books
- stretch wrap: protects against moisture and damage to covers;
- cardboard corners: protect the corners of books from creases and tears.
In addition, sometimes bubble wrap, twine and tape are used to secure the package. In any case, the main function of any packaging is to protect books and make them easy to transport.
Advantages of different kinds of packaging
Each of the above types of packaging is superior to the others in some way. It is only important to understand in what, so that you can consider these features before you use them.
It is up to the owner of the store or bookstore, or the supplier and the freight company that organizes the transportation, to decide which type of packaging to use.
Polyethylene bags
Their most important advantage is moisture resistance. Polyethylene is impervious to water, so even if you get caught in the rain, the books in this package will stay dry. This is very important, because moisture can completely spoil the appearance of the product.
Boxes are suitable for soft covers. Their hard walls will not let the books to deform or tear, so it is best to choose the boxes for such printed materials.
In addition, the boxes are easily fixed with tape, and when receiving the goods they simply open.
Stretch film
This is another package that will not let moisture to the book. The film is very plastic, can be easily stretched and fits snugly around the cover of the book. The material is based on plastic.
Cardboard Corner
This packaging will protect the publication from the creased corners that often occur, especially with soft covers. High-quality cardboard will secure the books inside and prevent them from being damaged by external factors during loading and unloading.
Bubble wrap.
This is the only packaging that can best protect a book from damage if dropped. The air that the bubbles are filled with becomes a barrier between external factors and the publication.

How to Move Books
The transportation and shipping of books is often handled by specialized companies, although in some cases the vendors themselves may take on this role. Then they are responsible for the safety of publications throughout their journey.
Many factors influence which transport will be used to send books to the store, the main ones being location and frequency.
Books can be transported by:
- by truck;
- by train;
- by plane.
Since books are not periodicals, such as magazines and newspapers, they do not need to be delivered daily. Most often they are brought into the store by a certain date, and then dopruzhivayut as needed.
Rules and nuances of shipping
So what are the important rules of transportation should be observed if you are shipping a book:
Compliance with deadlines – any products are needed by the store by a certain date, which is stipulated in advance. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in great losses on the part of the store.
The packaging of the book must be reliable. The weather conditions and the road surface in those places through which it will pass should be taken into account. If the road is covered with potholes and bumps, the car will shake and the books inside may be damaged. A sturdy packaging will protect them from damage.
No liquids in the vicinity. Books should never come in contact with moisture or dirt. This will completely ruin their marketable appearance. When shipping it is important to understand this, and choose a transport that even in the pouring rain will not let water get on the publications.
Books are not the most finicky and fragile of commodities. But this does not mean that when choosing packaging and type of transportation they should not be treated in a special way. After all, this will help to preserve their appearance and integrity.
For transportation of books we advise to choose a covered all-metal van. The body should be dry and clean. You can also choose a flatbed truck with a tent, only it should not have holes, otherwise if precipitation occurs, the book will quickly soak up moisture. This cargo should be reliably protected from wind, weather and other mechanical effects.
In the case of transportation of especially valuable publications sometimes you need to create in the body of the appropriate microclimate. For this purpose, special dehumidifiers (humidifiers), heaters and air conditioners are used.
The choice of vehicle depends on the volume and weight of the cargo, as well as the route. If the books are not very much and they need to be transported within one city, you can order medium-duty truck. If a large library is transported to another region, you will need to order a tractor with a semi-trailer.
We recommend that you take care in advance to choose the most comfortable conditions for the transportation of the book. It is best if cooperation in this area will be established with one or two trusted companies.